Product development vs. software development: know the difference!

May 28, 2024

What kind of technology partner do you need for your next digital project? One that just develops the software you tell them to build? Or one that helps you craft a user-centric product that will deliver real business value?

To make the right choice, it's crucial to understand the difference between software development and product development. And spoiler alert: that difference is huge! Let's dive in.

What's the Difference in a Nutshell?

In the simplest terms, here's what sets software development and product development apart:

Software development refers to the technical work of coding and engineering a piece of software. It's just one subset of the broader product development process.

Product development is an end-to-end process that spans ideation, research, design, development, and post-launch optimization to create products that solve real user problems.

To boil it down even further, here are the three core differentiators:

  • Hierarchy: Software development is a subset of product development
  • Leadership: Product managers drive product development, while developers drive software development
  • Focus: Software development focuses on output (features), while product development focuses on outcomes (value)

Software Development: A Small Slice of the Pie

Coding. Engineering. Programming. That's the domain of software development. And while those technical elements are essential, they're ultimately just one slice of the product development pie.

What's missing from a pure software development approach? Pretty much everything else, including:

  • User research and market validation to ensure you're building something people actually need
  • UX and UI design to create seamless, frustration-free user experiences
  • Product strategy to guide feature prioritization and align your software with broader business goals
  • Cross-functional collaboration between business, design, and technical stakeholders
  • Post-launch activities like user feedback collection, analytics, and iterative improvements

In software development, you tell the development team what to build, and they build it. But that's where their involvement ends. There's no strategic lens on whether you're building the right thing.

With product development, an expert product manager looks at the big picture, validates assumptions, and makes sure you're investing in features that will deliver maximum impact. Which brings us to our next point...

Product Managers Take the Lead

Product development operates under a fundamentally different leadership model than software development. Rather than developers running the show, product managers are the chief drivers of the product development process.

Product managers own the product vision and strategy. They work closely with stakeholders to understand the "why" behind the product, not just the "what." They conduct user research, analyze the competitive landscape, and develop a roadmap that aligns product features with user needs and business goals.

Throughout the development process, product managers facilitate communication between business, design, and technical team members to keep everyone aligned. They make tough prioritization decisions, balancing new feature development with quality and stability requirements.

In the software development model, there's no one playing this critical connective tissue and leadership role. The approach is more siloed, transactional, and potentially misaligned with high-level objectives.

Focus on Outcomes, Not Just Outputs

The philosophical difference between software development and product development comes down to one key distinction: outputs vs outcomes.

Software development is output-oriented. The measure of success is often based on the number of features shipped, lines of code written, or story points completed. But none of those metrics answer the most essential question: is the software actually delivering value?

Product development is outcome-oriented. The north star is not a set of features, but a measurable impact on user behavior and business results. Will this product solve a painful user problem? Will it drive more revenue or reduce costs? Will it give the company a competitive advantage?

Shipping lots of features is great, but only if they're the right features executed in the right way. Partnering with a product development company keeps your focus on the big picture.

The Pitfalls of an Output Mindset

To illustrate the dangers of an output-oriented approach, let's follow the story of Tom, an ambitious entrepreneur with dreams of launching the next big thing.

Tom has an idea for a revolutionary mobile app. He knows exactly what features he wants, so he hires a software development firm to build his app to spec, no questions asked.

Six months later, Tom's app is sitting in the App Store, packed with cutting-edge features. But there's a problem: no one is downloading it. Turns out, Tom never validated his concept with real users. He never tested his assumptions about which features people actually find valuable.

Tom didn't just need an app. He needed a product shaped by user insights, market realities, and a coherent overarching strategy. By focusing purely on software outputs, not product outcomes, Tom burned through his runway without ever finding product/market fit.

Collaboration is Key

One of the biggest drawbacks of working with a pure software development company is that you miss out on the magic of cross-functional collaboration.

In an integrated product development model, you have designers, product managers, and engineers all working together in lockstep, sharing learnings and making decisions as a unit. This leads to products that are technically sound, delightful to use, and aligned with business needs.

With software development, collaboration often takes a backseat. Developers work on their piece of the puzzle in isolation, which can lead to disconnects between design intent and technical execution. Feedback loops are slow, and pivots are painful.

At Luminos Software, we believe close collaboration between business, design, and technical experts is essential for building successful products. That's why our engagements are always structured around tight-knit, co-located product teams.

Full-Stack Expertise

Another limitation of the pure software development model is that you often end up with a very narrow slice of technical expertise.

Many software development companies specialize in a specific tech stack or domain, which can be great if that's exactly what you need. But what if your product strategy requires a broader skill set?

As a full-service product development company, Luminos Software brings the complete package to the table. Our team has deep expertise across:

  • Web, mobile app, and cross-platform development
  • Responsive front-end development
  • API design and development
  • Enterprise systems architecture and integration
  • Cloud deployment and DevOps
  • Data engineering and analytics
  • Machine learning and AI

Whatever your product vision requires, we have the interdisciplinary skill set to bring it to life. And with our Agile development process, we can quickly adapt to changes in your product strategy without missing a beat.

The Long-Term Mindset

Finally, one of the most important differences between software development and product development is the time horizon of the engagement.

With a software development company, the relationship often ends when the last line of code is written. There's no ongoing partnership to collect user feedback, analyze product metrics, and continuously improve the software over time.

At Luminos Software, product development isn't a one-and-done deal. It's an ongoing, iterative process of turning user insights into product enhancements. We stick with you long after the initial launch to make sure you reap the full benefits of your investment.

We also recognize that speed-to-market is critical, especially for resource-constrained startups. But we don't take shortcuts that undermine your long-term success. Our Agile process is all about striking the right balance between short-term wins and long-term value delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions about the nuances between software and product development? We have answers!

What's the difference between software and a software product?

Software is the code itself, while a software product is the complete package of the software plus its technical operation, maintenance, user service and support, plus ongoing improvements. Products are what users interact with, while software is what's running under the hood.

What's the difference between software development and product development?

Software development specifically refers to the technical delivery of an application, feature or other software component. This work is done by developers, engineers and other delivery professionals with a focus on coding. Product development, on the other hand, is an end-to-end process that encompasses designing, building, and improving products and may or may not involve coding. A product development team includes developers as well as UX designers, product managers, data analysts, and more. The skill sets and focus are much broader.

Ready to Build Outcome-Driven Products?

Choosing the right development partner is one of the most important decisions you'll make as a product owner. It's the difference between simply building software and building a successful product that users love.

In today's competitive market, you can't afford to miss the mark. You need a partner with a proven track record of shepherding products from concept to adoption to growth. You need a team with the skills and experience to execute flawlessly while keeping focus on the ultimate prize: real-world results.

At Luminos Software, product thinking is in our DNA. For over 10 years, we've been building products that delight users and deliver measurable business value for our clients.

Are you ready to build the next big thing? Let's chat about your product vision and how Luminos Software can help you bring it to life. Schedule a free consultation with our product development experts today.

Alex Feseto is CEO & Co-Founder at Luminos Software, helping entrepreneurs and innovators achieve their technology goals.
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