What's an MVP and why build one?

May 31, 2024

In 2006, Spotify co-founders Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon had a vision for a new music streaming service. But instead of spending years perfecting their app in a vacuum, they wisely decided to build a minimum viable product (MVP) to validate their concept.

Their MVP was a simple desktop app with a limited music library. But it worked well enough to show early adopters the core value proposition. And the feedback from those initial users was instrumental in guiding Spotify's product roadmap.

The rest, as they say, is history. Today, Spotify has over 400 million users worldwide and a market cap north of £40 billion (around €48 billion). Not bad for a company that started with a scrappy MVP!

Spotify's story illustrates the power of the MVP approach to software development. By launching quickly with a bare-bones product, you can start validating your ideas and gathering user feedback right away - without burning through your precious time and resources.

In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to bring your own software MVP to life. You'll learn what an MVP is (and isn't), why you should develop one, and a step-by-step process for making it happen. Let's dive in!

What Exactly Is an MVP?

An MVP, or minimum viable product, is the most basic version of your software that you can launch to start testing your assumptions. Think of it like an automobile prototype - it needs to have the core functionality in place (engine, wheels, steering), but it doesn't need all the bells and whistles (leather seats, premium sound, autopilot).

The key characteristics of an MVP are:

  • Minimum features and functionality needed to validate your concept
  • Quick and inexpensive to design, develop and launch
  • Targeted at a small group of early adopters and beta testers
  • Designed to maximise learning and minimise investment

It's important to clarify that an MVP is not:

  • A half-baked or buggy product
  • An excuse to cut corners on usability or design
  • A final product with a complete feature set
  • Guaranteed to succeed or be profitable

At its core, an MVP is a learning tool. Its purpose is to help you validate your riskiest assumptions about your product and market before you invest significant resources. It's a way to get real-world feedback that either gives you the confidence to move forward or reveals that you need to change course.

Why You Need to Build an MVP

Far too many entrepreneurs and companies fall victim to the "build it and they will come" fallacy. They toil away for months or years to create their version of the perfect product - only to launch to the sound of crickets. The product they poured their blood, sweat and tears into simply doesn't resonate with users.

The problem is that they never validated their core product assumptions. They didn't test whether their target users truly wanted or needed the product. They didn't get feedback on whether the user experience was intuitive and compelling. And they didn't confirm that users were willing to pay for the product.

As a result, they end up wasting a huge amount of time and money building something that nobody wants. It's a recipe for failure.

Developing an MVP is the antidote to this problem. By launching quickly with a bare minimum product, you can start gathering real user feedback and data to inform your product decisions. You can find out if your core assumptions hold water before you've invested too much.

Some of the key benefits of building an MVP include:

  • Validating your product concept and market demand faster and cheaper
  • Getting valuable user insights to guide your product roadmap
  • Avoiding sinking significant resources into an unproven idea
  • Accelerating your time to market and competitive advantage
  • Attracting investors and stakeholders with concrete traction

In short, an MVP approach de-risks software development. It's a smarter and more capital-efficient way to bring new products to market.

The Step-by-Step MVP Development Process

Now that you understand what an MVP is and why you should create one, let's dive into the actual process of bringing your MVP to life. Here's a high-level overview of the steps:

1. Define your product vision and target user

Everything starts with getting crystal clear on your product vision. What problem are you solving and for whom? Who is your target user and what do they need? Doing upfront user research and developing personas is key.

2. Determine your MVP feature scope

Once you know your user and product vision, brainstorm a list of all the potential features you could include. But remember, this is an MVP - you need to ruthlessly prioritise and cut scope until you have only the essential features needed to test your core assumptions.

3. Design your MVP

With your MVP scope defined, it's time to design your product. Create wireframes, mock-ups and prototypes to bring your vision to life. Focus on usability and simplicity over bells and whistles.

4. Develop your MVP

Now the real work begins - building your MVP. Choose development tools that prioritise speed over scalability. Consider using existing frameworks and platforms to accelerate development. Most importantly, resist the urge to add new features during development!

5. Launch and test your MVP with users

With your MVP built, it's time to get it into the hands of real users. Start with a small group of beta testers and gather both quantitative and qualitative feedback. Identify what's working, what's not, and what to improve.

6. Iterate and refine your MVP  

Based on the feedback from your MVP launch, make a prioritised list of improvements and enhancements. Stay focused on your core value proposition, but don't be afraid to cut features that aren't moving the needle. Continue iterating until you have a product that users love.

MVP Pitfalls to Avoid

Of course, not every MVP ends up being a home run. Many MVPs fail to gain traction or uncover the insights needed to inform the product roadmap. Here are some of the most common MVP pitfalls to watch out for:

Waiting too long to launch

Perfectionism is the enemy of progress. Get your MVP out there and start learning.

Including too many features

Adding too many features not only delays your launch, but it muddles your ability to validate what's truly important.

Ignoring user feedback

If users are telling you something isn't working, believe them. Use their feedback to iterate and improve.

Choosing the wrong tech stack

Make sure you're using development tools that enable speed and agility at the MVP stage. Don't over-engineer.

Skimping on usability

Put thought into design and user experience. If your MVP is confusing or frustrating, you won't get the engagement and feedback you need.

Get Started on Your MVP Journey

Bringing a new software product to market is always a daunting challenge. But with an MVP approach, you can mitigate your risk, move faster, and start getting real user feedback to guide your product decisions.

The key is to stay laser-focused on your core value proposition, resist the temptation to overbuild, and proactively seek out user insights. By following the MVP development process and best practices we've outlined here, you'll be well on your way to launching a successful product.

Of course, building an MVP is easier said than done. It takes a skilled team with the right mix of product, design and technical expertise. That's where Luminos Software comes in!

Our team of strategists, designers and software engineers has helped dozens of companies bring their MVP vision to life. We can help you refine your product concept, design an engaging MVP, and develop it quickly using the right tools and platforms for your needs.

So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today to start your MVP journey. Your successful product launch awaits!

Alex Feseto is CEO & Co-Founder at Luminos Software, helping entrepreneurs and innovators achieve their technology goals.
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